It's Our Birthday! 

Celebrating 2 years!!

Join us as we celebrate and look back on the first 2 years of the Foundation, the work we have accomplished, and start looking forward to the work we hope to accomplish with your help!
We have a birthday goal of $200k to hire another attorney and support staff!
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Established 8-16-2021

Message From the Directors:


We, the Board of Directors of Silent Majority Foundation, extend our heartfelt gratitude to all of our esteemed donors and supporters as we celebrate the momentous occasion of our foundation's 2nd anniversary. Your unwavering dedication and generosity have been the cornerstone of our success, and we are truly honored to have you by our side on this remarkable journey.

These past two years have been a testament to the power of collective action and the profound impact that a united community can achieve. The lawsuits we've filed have been instrumental in upholding justice and promoting fairness, while our advocacy work has paved the way for positive change in the areas we hold dear to our hearts. The educational videos and writings we've produced have empowered countless individuals with knowledge, fostering a deeper understanding of the issues we champion.

As we reflect upon our achievements, we recognize that none of this would have been possible without your belief in our mission and your generous support. Your contributions have gone beyond financial assistance; they have been a beacon of hope that continues to light our path forward!

Looking ahead, we are inspired by the challenges that lie ahead and the opportunities they present for growth and progress. With your continued partnership, we are confident that we can build on the foundation we've established and amplify our impact even further.

So, to our cherished donors and supporters, please accept our sincere and heartfelt gratitude. Your commitment has fueled our determination, and your belief in our cause has been the driving force behind our accomplishments.

Thank you for standing with us, for believing in us, and for being an integral part of Silent Majority Foundation family. Here's to the next chapter of our journey, hand in hand, as we continue to make a difference together!


Pete Serrano               Rob Waites               Vincent Cavaleri

Pete and Rob look back on the last 2 years and discuss how each case has moved us forward!

We've identified our future SMF team members!
Will you help us grow?