

Silent Majority Foundation was born out of a necessity to halt and reign in government overreach. From our inception, we have been determined to fight and speak up for all citizens who maintain their desire for freedom and constitutionally protected and God-given Rights. Raise your voice and join us!


Litigation | advocacy | education

  • Over 40 Lawsuits in Our First 3 Years

    A copy of the united states constitution with an american flag in the background

    Silent Majority Foundation has been involved in over 40 lawsuits in our first three years in operation.  From fighting to restore Second Amendment rights to protecting Parental Rights and the vote of the people, SMF has been on the frontlines for We the People. 

    Our Litigation
  • Five Full-Time Attorney's

    A copy of the united states constitution with an american flag in the background

    Silent Majority Foundation hires only the best! Our team of five Attorney's is dedicated full-time to restoring and protecting your constitutional rights.  Each member of our team has a personal reason for the work we do, which gives us the passion and drive to continue this work that needs to be done. 

    Meet Our Team
  • Direct Impacts on Liberty

    A copy of the united states constitution with an american flag in the background

    With our inception in 2021, SMF began advocating for individuals and businesses who were facing illegal government mandates; educated our Members on submitting successful PRA requests; held numerous freedom rallys; and advocated on behalf of our Members by providing public comment during Legislative meetings. We continue this important advocacy work to this day.

    Our Impact
  • Thousands of SMF Members

    A copy of the united states constitution with an american flag in the background

    Our Members ensure we are able to continue to provide the legal work necessary to restore and protect constitutional rights. By becoming a member of SMF, you will contribute directly to our mission and play a pivotal role in preserving our Constitution and the values that make America exceptional. Your support will enable us to:

    • Develop educational materials and programs that empower citizens.
    • Advocate for legislation that upholds constitutional principles.
    • Take legal action to protect and defend your rights. 

    Our Members give us Organizational Standing and allow us to fight government overreach!

    Become a Member

Silent Majority Foundation is on the frontlines of the battle to re-secure and protect the constitutional rights of Americans.  We the People are the rightful holders of the power in America.  It's time we took that power back from government tyrants.


Second Amendment

A well regulated Militia, being necessary to the security of a free State, the right of the people to keep and bear Arms, shall not be infringed.

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Freedom of Speech/ medical freedom

Congress shall make no law  abridging the freedom of speech... this includes Physicians.

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Religious freedom

The United States Constitution “commits government itself to religious tolerance...

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No entity, not the State, no political party, and no special interest group has the right to stand in the place of the parents...

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