We the people have had enough! let's fight!

Silent Majority Foundation is a 501(c)(3) organization. All donations are tax deductible to the largest amount allowed by law.

As a non-profit, our foundation relies solely on your generous donations to move forward and strategically execute our mission to protect constitutional rights through education, advocacy and litigation. Without your financial support, we would not be able to continue our efforts fighting for your freedoms. Thank you for supporting our work!


Select a Fund:

For further information on how to donate, contact PJ Serrano by email: pj@smfjb.org

By Mail

You may mail your donation to our office location:

Silent Majority Foundation           

5238 Outlet Drive                       

Pasco, WA 99301


Online giving is the easiest way of giving for most donors. We have several specific funds as well as a general fund that are utilized to further our mission.

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In Memorium

When you give a memorial or tribute gift to Silent Majority Foundation in honor of someone special, you’re expressing your love, admiration, and gratitude in one of the most meaningful ways there is.

Gifts of Stock

By donating stock to SMF, you can avoid the capital gains tax you would normally pay on any increase in value of stock, and you can take a tax deduction for the full market value of the stock on the date of the gift.

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Matching Gifts

Did you know that your gift to Silent Majority Foundation could be matched by your employer? Many corporations and foundations match gifts from their employees on a one-to-one or two-to-one basis.

Legacy Gifts

Planned gifts made to SMF provide a solid foundation for our team to plan for future battles, show our enemies that we are in this fight for the long haul, and inspire others to make similar transformative gifts.

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When people own stock, they often first sell the stock and then do their charitable giving from the proceeds. However, there is a better way! Gifts of stock offer a tax benefit in two ways. First, you avoid paying capital gains tax on the increased value of the stock. Second, you can take a tax deduction for the full market value of the stock on the date of the gift.

How to give

Simply click on the "Donate Stock" button below. There, you will receive instructions for the transaction. You'll receive a confirmation as soon as the transaction is processed. 

For further information on how to donate stock, contact PJ Serrano at: 509-567-7086 or by email: pj@smfjb.org


Legacy giving (also called planned giving) refers to gifts that donors plan to be distributed from their estate after their death. Making a legacy gift in your will or trust is one of the easiest and most popular ways to make a lasting impact for Silent Majority Foundation. Once you have provided for your loved ones, we hope you will consider making protection of constitutional rights part of your life story through a legacy gift. By making a simple update to your estate plan, you will make a significant impact on Silent Majority Foundation's work to protect constitutional rights, and you will avoid all federal, state, and local estate taxes that might affect the heirs of your estate.

How to give

Simply contact your attorney and ask to add the following language to your will or living trust:

“I give, devise and bequeath to Silent Majority Foundation (Tax ID: 87-2214704), 5238 Outlet Drive, Pasco, WA (insert specific dollar amount, percentage, or residue of my estate), for its general use and purpose.”

Remembering SMF in your will or estate plan is an incredible way to make a lasting contribution to the protection of rights. Planned gifts made to SMF provide a solid foundation for our team to plan for future battles, show our enemies that we are in this fight for the long haul, and inspire others to make similar transformative gifts.

For further information on how to donate legacy gifts, contact PJ Serrano at: 509-567-7086 or by email: pj@smfjb.org

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