Teaching them to Fail

“I believe that children are the future, teach them well and let them lead the way.”  This is the opening lyric to Whitney Houston’s song, the Greatest love of all.  It’s always been understood that a child’s early education is paramount to their overall development. American taxpayers pay more for a child’s education than most…

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Title fight   

The purpose of Title IX of the Educational Amendments of 1972 was to update Title VII of the Civil Rights Act of 1964.  The civil rights act banned several forms of discrimination in employment but did not address or make mention of education.  Contrary to popular belief, the scope and purpose of Title IX had…

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Sovereignty of the states

The federalism argument has been at the heart of recent court decisions and great public debate.  Cases such as abortion, legalized sports, marijuana, and sanctuary cities just to name a few, have highlighted the recent court docket.  The tenth amendment clarifies the division of powers between the federal government and the individual states.  It underscores…

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The judicial branch 

As the Supreme Court of the United States (SCOTUS) wrapped up its 2022 session, autocracy and government overreach have been dealt a significant blow.  At least six of the nine justices understood their role as the final arbiter on constitutional matters, while three of them opted for a more biased approach to their sworn duties.    …

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Prejudicial policies in higher education

As the Supreme Court of the United States (SCOTUS) prepares its 2023 session for deliberations, many cases on the docket, including “Affirmative Action” will have their day in front of the high court.  The highlighted case, Students for Fair Admissions Inc v. President and Fellows of Harvard College will no doubt be watched with concerning…

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Jurisprudence on full display

Never in our history has the United States Supreme Court (SCOTUS) played a more vital role in protecting America’s Bill of Rights.  With Joe Biden in the White House, America’s Constitution is merely another impediment to hurdle over.  His record setting executive orders have sought to bypass the legislative process and usurp our founding documents,…

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Big Tech, Big Government a Big Problem:

Many of us have warned of the rise of socialism/Marxism in America.  Something that seemed incomprehensible or unfathomable a few years ago, is making its big push here in the good old US of A.  The plan to usurp America’s free society was hatched many years ago; and was simply waiting in the weeds for…

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