Thoughts on Whose Children are They

Pete Serrano • August 1, 2022

As Whose Children Are They sweeps local theaters throughout the nation, the video raises an important question each of us must be ready to answer. With men like United States Attorney General Merrick Garland and Washington State Superintendent Chris Reykdal in “leadership” positions who want you to believe parental rights are secondary to state and social interests, each of us must be ready to protect our children against these woke cultural influences. In this article, I discuss a recent experience where Silent Majority Foundation (SMF) successfully helped a parent retain her rights against a woke school district who had received a criminal “No Trespass Letter and Agreement to Prosecute” from the sheriff’s office.  

In February, we received an email from the parent asking for help in challenging the No Trespass Letter.  Not knowing what to do, she asked whether we could assist.  SMF got to work. We asked the parent for records of correspondence with the school district and video/photographic evidence that would prove her claims, and she had it. SMF drafted a Notice of Appeal of the district’s decision, using the parent’s records as factual support.  The Notice of Appeal was filed with the County Superior Court within a week, and within two weeks of filing the Notice of Appeal, the court scheduled a hearing.  

A couple of days prior to the hearing date, the school district asked to settle the case and rescinded the No Trespass letter.  The parent rejected the district’s offer to settle, wanting the court to decide the case.  In court, the judge asked the school district’s attorney why the district issued such a harsh penalty and stated that the No Trespass approach is the school district’s last step, not its first.  The judge ruled in the parent’s favor and dismissed the No Trespass Letter and Agreement to Prosecute.  The parent has returned to her child’s campus.  

So, what are the takeaways:

  1. Know your rights or get to know your rights.  SMF’s mission includes education and advocacy.   In this case educated an individual about her rights, and she successfully advocated for herself. 
  2. Self-advocacy was successful in this case because the parent had kept records and had the information to provide to the judge with SMF’s assistance.  
  3. Be persistent.  Stand for your rights.  Team with others.  Seek assistance, where necessary.   

Silent Majority Foundation is here to help.  You can contact us at:   or find us online at: or

God bless, 




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