Welcome Maureen West!

Rob Waites • August 19, 2022

Maureen West, JD, RDH is a previous Colorado Assistant Attorney General who served as legal counsel to over a dozen healthcare regulatory boards for 15+ years. During her tenure as an AAG, she handled numerous high-profile cases. She is also a healthcare practitioner (registered dental hygienist) and an adjunct professor at the University of Denver in the Healthcare Administration Masters Program all of which uniquely position her to handle cases effectively and efficiently before state medical and nursing boards.  



A bunch of bullets are spilling out of a magazine
By Pete Serrano November 7, 2023
Current Status of 2A cases from General Counsel Pete Serrano: As the general counsel of the organization, I’d like to assure you that our focus remains on protecting constitutional rights, and the right to Bear Arms is preeminent in our litigation.  Presently, we have 4 pending firearms matters, and I believe that our court dates… The post Updates and Insights to our 2A Cases: appeared first on Silent Majority Foundation.
A young boy is sitting at a table in a classroom writing in a notebook.
By Vincent Cavaleri October 20, 2023
“I believe that children are the future, teach them well and let them lead the way.”  This is the opening lyric to Whitney Houston’s song, the Greatest love of all.  It’s always been understood that a child’s early education is paramount to their overall development. American taxpayers pay more for a child’s education than most… The post Teaching them to Fail appeared first on Silent Majority Foundation.
Two women standing on a podium with a sign that says national champion
By Vincent Cavaleri January 17, 2023
The purpose of Title IX of the Educational Amendments of 1972 was to update Title VII of the Civil Rights Act of 1964.  The civil rights act banned several forms of discrimination in employment but did not address or make mention of education.  Contrary to popular belief, the scope and purpose of Title IX had… The post Title fight    appeared first on Silent Majority Foundation.
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