SMF is challenging the issuance of this CID as the AG is using this as a tool to conduct a wild goose chase to confirm his belief that Gators sold these magazines. It’s a sad day when the AG wants nothing more than to punish a lawful place of business simply to win political points.”

-Pete Serrano

Washington v gators custom guns

When Gator's Custom Guns received a Civil Investigative Demand from the Washington State Attorney General,  they contacted Silent Majority Foundation. When we fought back to challenge the CID, the State Attorney General filed suit alleging that the sale of so-called "Large Capacity Magazines" is illegal after the passage of ESSB5078.


On August 23, 2023, SMF filed a Petition to Set Aside and for Injunctive and Declaratory Relief against the State of Washington Attorney General’s (AG) issuance of a Civil Investigative Demand (CID) on behalf of a Gator’s Custom Guns, Inc. in the Cowlitz County Superior Court. The AG uses CIDs to conduct investigations into business practices that violate the Consumer Protection Act—in this case, Gator’s alleged sales of so-called “Large Capacity Magazines.” The AG can use any such information to prosecute charges under the Consumer Protection Act.

Here are a few key points:

  • Ultimately, the string of cites of district courts which have upheld LCM bans or regulations are persuasive authority, and unpersuasive from an analytical perspective. These district courts may have upheld the bans but the constitutional backing and legal precedence is not there.
  • The analysis of the right to bear arms has never been bifurcated or otherwise separated into subsets of protected arms; the analysis is whether the arms “facilitate armed self-defense” as conceded by the state. Obviously, we need a magazine to allow the usage of a firearm; thus a magazine facilitates effective self-defense.
  • The State further mischaracterizes the findings of the legislature that ESSB 5078 will save lives; the legislature in fact made no such finding, only that it is “likely” to reduce gun deaths and injuries. Criminals, intent on causing harm, will not be stopped or inhibited by clip prohibitions. The state has conceded this point. Disarming law-abiding citizens is not the answer to mass shootings, unconscionable and tragic though they may be.
  • The State cannot simply wish away the fundamental right to bear arms. Though the Legislature may not like the protections we have through the second amendment, this does not provide legal precedence to do away with our constitutional rights.

Update: Oral Arguments are scheduled for January 14, 2025 at Washington State Supreme Court!

Gators Custom Guns Case Documents

Media and Interviews

Second Amendment litigation

Silent Majority Foundation's own, Vincent Cavaleri interviews Wally Wentz, owner of Gator's Custom Guns in Kelso, Washington.  They discuss running a gun shop in Washington State along with the battle against Washington Attorney General Bob Ferguson who is currently running for governor of Washington. Vince and Wally will discuss legislation regarding gun rights and restrictions in Washington State and a whole lot more.

MUST SEE!  Click the image to the left

 to watch.

Two men are sitting at a table in front of a flag that says its the bill of rights not the bill of feelings

Our latest update on this case from August 2024.  Pete Serrano, Rob Waites, and Dissidentist, Brandon Walker discuss the attack on constitutional rights in Washington state and what we are doing about it. 

Click the image to the right to watch.

Michael e. johnson washington state supreme court commissioner corruption

State of Washington v Gator's Custom Guns hearing on April 17, 2024.  Whether the Commissioner of Washington State Supreme Court should grant an emergency motion for a stay of the Cowlitz County Superior Court order invalidating and enjoining enforcement of Washington's unconstitutional ban on LCM's. 

MUST SEE!  Click the image to the left to watch.

Cowlitz County courtroom

Pete Serrano discusses the status of Washington v Gator's Custom Guns. We get to know a little bit more about Wally the Gator as he tells us about his "WHY" for standing up for the 2nd Amendment.  

Pete explains the schedule set today and why Judge Bashor has bifurcated the issues at hand! 

Click the image to the right to watch.

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