dr renata moon v washington State university

On September 24, 2024, Silent Majority filed a complaint on behalf of Dr. Renata Moon against Washington State University (“WSU”) for violation of her first amendment rights. Dr. Moon has been an Associate Professor for Elson S Floyd College of Medicine at WSU since its inaugural class in 2017. However, after testifying at Senator Ron Johnson’s roundtable event regarding the COVID-19 mRNA vaccines for children on December 7, 2022, the medical school decided to investigate her for spreading “misinformation” and “disinformation.” In addition, they reported these activities to the Washington Medical Commission which also opened an investigation against her. Ultimately, the school chose not to renew her contract. Both of these investigations have made it more difficult for Dr. Moon to find work, even after practicing for 25 years as a pediatrician with a completely clean record. It also caused her to lose her pension, which would have vested in another year, and to lose her health insurance.

WSU has a history of limiting Dr. Moon’s free speech. In 2021, the school removed her from her normal teaching schedule because a few students took umbrage with her paraphrasing Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr.’s “I Have a Dream” speech during a discussion of racism. These same few students also objected to her asking important questions about the COVID vaccines as they were being granted Emergency Use Authorization (“EUA”) status. During this episode, only the few students who complained were interviewed. The students who rated Dr. Moon highly were not interviewed despite the fact that they were direct witnesses to the events. This too was a violation of Dr. Moon’s free speech, a violation that escalated in 2023 with the refusal to renew her contract.

This case is about more than Dr. Moon’s right to speak to students and her government. It is about the right of each of us to speak, to peaceably assemble, and to petition our government when we see issues that concern us. The desire to censor all of us for anything deemed “misinformation” is rampant at the moment. Without the ability to have robust conversations and debates, especially as it pertains to our health, we are at the mercy of others who cannot know our individualized needs and do not have our best interest at heart. Our government is instituted not to be our parent or guardian, but to protect our rights. The freedoms of speech, peaceable assembly and petition are fundamental to our Constitutional Republic and cannot be surrendered to experts who have never met us and cannot provide our individual needs. Such surrender is to submit unreservedly to tyranny.

Dr. Moon is fighting for the American people. Please support the cause by donating to her efforts.

Dr. Moon shares her story of being punished by WSU and reported to WMC for exercising her First Amendment rights to speak, to peaceably assemble, and to petition our government when she raised questions about the safety of the C19 vaccine. Thank you to KQH Spokane for your balanced coverage and focus on the issue at hand - the violation of free speech.

Dr. Renata Moon v WSU Case Documents


Dr. Renata moon shares what she witnessed in her practice, as well as the blank informational inserts included with the COVID-19 vaccines.  Her testimony begins at 2:22:43.

Click the image below to watch the video.

Dr Renata Moon testifies


"Fight for your children as if their very lives depend on your success. Because their very lives depend on your success."

-Dr. Renata Moon

dr renata moon v washington medical commission

Dr. Moon is an exceptionally well-trained pediatrician with over 25 years of clinical experience. She trained at a top U.S. medical school, earning board certification in both general pediatrics and pediatric hospital medicine. With an unblemished career record of patient care, Dr. Moon practiced in the State of Washington for over 17 years primarily as a pediatric hospitalist at Sacred Heart Children's Hospital in Spokane. Despite caring for the region’s sickest children – patient care with one of the highest risks of malpractice claims – she has had no malpractice claims or actions against her license in Washington State or elsewhere.

Dr. Moon testified at a public hearing entitled “Covid-19 Vaccines: What They Are, How They Work, and Possible Causes of Injuries” held by a US Senator in Washington DC in December 2022. In July 2023, Washington State’s Elson S. Floyd College of Medicine reported Dr. Moon’s public testimony to The Washington Medical Commission. The Washington Medical Commission is now investigating Dr. Moon’s medical license for alleged “unprofessional conduct” for voicing concern about the dangers of the Covid-19 shots at this senate hearing. The current investigation by the Washington Medical Commission is frivolous, based on unsound policy and persecutes a physician simply for speaking.

This investigation is an attempt by the Washington Medical Commission to regulate Dr. Moon’s rights of petition, assembly, and speech, and to chill these first amendment rights and those of other medical professionals. A medical professional is not required to agree with any government agency, including the Washington Medical Commission. A medical professional has the obligation to put the well-being of his or her patients before any government-imposed orthodoxy or narrative. A medical professional has the right to gather with other medical professionals and petition the government regarding issues of public interest. In addition, medical ethics dictates that a medical professional has the obligation to speak out when there is a concern that a medical product, which is being used widely and indiscriminately, poses potential risks or where questions arise about its safety. Such debate provides a healthy check and balance on the practice of medicine and promote the primary responsibility to first do no harm.

"America is in the early stages of marxism/communism. Our loss of freedom is still somewhat soft. Think of it as liquid concrete filling a swimming pool. People in the pool can still swim around but swimming is difficult. As the concrete of communism hardens, it will become impossible to move. The time to speak and stop communism from hardening around us is RIGHT NOW. Very soon, it will be too late."

- Dr. Renata Moon

Dr Renata Moon

"World history has demonstrated the extreme dangers that occur when free speech is silenced, and one narrative is forced on a population. Scientific discourse is the very foundation of a healthy medical community.  Public policy debates and free discussions about data and patient outcomes are the bedrock of our ability to practice the art of medicine.  

I was born in the United States of America as a first generation proud American.  My parents fled political persecution from behind the Iron Curtain of communism to legally immigrate to the United States.  My parents and millions of other immigrants left everything behind and fled from the hell that their countries had become for one simple reason: freedom.  Our constitutional rights, which protect our freedom of speech and civil liberties, are precious beyond measure."

Dr. Renata Moon v WMC Case Documents

Media and Interviews

Dr Renata Moon vaccine insert.

Dr. Renata Moon shares her story on Epoch Times' American Thought Leaders. Board-certified pediatrician Renata Moon had been a professor of medicine at Washington State University for six years, until the medical school terminated her employment, ostensibly in response to her speaking out about risks related to the COVID-19 genetic vaccines. 

MUST SEE!  Click the image to the left to watch.

A black and white photo of a woman named liz collin

Dr. Renata Moon joined Liz Collin to discuss freedom of speech, censorship, and vaccines.

Click the image to the right to watch.

A black and white photo of a woman named liz collin

Dr. Renata Moon joined Peter Demos on Live From America TV to discuss her story and the push to silence and punish Physicians who speak out to ensure patient safety and informed consent. 

Click the image to the left to watch.

A black and white photo of a woman named liz collin

Dr. Renata Moon shares with Epoch Times why she was investigated by the Washington Medical Commission after talking about COVID-19 Vaccines in public. 

Click the image to the right to watch.

A black and white photo of a woman named liz collin

After Renata Moon, M.D. testified on Capitol Hill about the risks of the COVID-19 shots, her long medical career was put under fire. By simply practicing her right to free speech, Dr. Moon faced severe consequences: “I lost my employment. But more importantly, I lost my voice — I lost my ability to be able to speak to anyone without retaliation and without threat.” To discuss the lawsuit filed in response to these disciplinary actions, Dr. Moon and SMF attorney Karen Osborne, Esq. join Mary Holland, Esq. on CHD.TV. 

Click the image to the left to watch.

A black and white photo of a woman named liz collin

Dr. Renata Moon and her SMF legal team discuss her complaint against Washington State University and the WMC for violation of her free speech rights with Brannon Howse of Worldview Tube. 

Click the image to the right to watch.

Support Physician Free Speech & Informed Consent

We believe that every individual has the right to express their informed opinions and beliefs without fear of censorship or punishment. After all, how can you truly have informed consent if physicians are not able to inform their patients? By supporting Dr. Moon and the Silent Majority Foundation, you are standing up for these fundamental rights and helping to ensure that doctors in Washington and beyond can continue to advocate for their patients and communities.

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